If you want to know more or if you're interested in an internship mail Rob or Kasper
what is frontend?
frontend is everything that has to do with browser behaviour.
web 2.0
- tag-clouds
- user participation
- all about the user
- cloud
- not userfriendly
- Large initial investment
- High experience required
- High error risk
- Time consuming
- Difficult handover
- Backbone.js
- Angular
- Ember.js
- ..
- YUI compresor
- css optim
- ..
All set
Tough luck
task runners
sugar, spice, and everything nice!
configure autoprefixer
- create src dir
- add css
- install gulp-autoprefixer
configure autoprefixer task in gulp
( remember where the build result should be? )
- run gulp
configure css minifier
- install gulp-minify-css
configure minify css task in gulp
( add to existing css pipe )
- run gulp
configure watch, browsersync & html task
create task to copy html from source to build directory
create watch task wich starts browsersync and automatically executes tasks
install browsersync, serve files from build directory
- run gulp
If you want to know more or if you're interested in an internship mail Rob or Kasper